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DISHIST.TXT History of changes to the DIS.EXE front end program
1.20 12th February 1994
a) Configure PCElm - move MIME options to a separate screen. Added
autodel option to say whether to auto flag messages as deleted after
using s to save (or w) inline with change to PCElm 1.09
Configure PCElm - handle betterread variable to turn the "Better read it
first!" message off/on (PCElm 1.09 and later). Also handle new
askdelqueue flag for those with itch fingers on the delete button on
listing unsent mail.
Colour maintenance in Configure PCElm didn't handle the missing extra
colour. Using F1 help it was possible to have the colour string printed
in the wrong place on the screen and the names not updated. All ok now.
On update of all .rc files it would set the reply field to the user being
updated. Fixed and improved: If you only change something specific to
this user (e.g. the name or replyto address) it *doesn't* ask you if you
want to update all users (as there is no point in doing so). If you
change a setting that is *not* specific to this user then it will ask
whether you want *all* of the non user specific settings to be made to
the other users or just the ones you have changed this time.
Thus, in the example presented to me whereby each user has a different
printer, if you change another setting (help menu for instance) and update
it will press C to Change only the settings altered this time. The .RC
files will all be updated with the new help menu setting but the other
settings (importantly the printer one in this example) will be left
Off to copy this idea into Maintain SNEWS now. 15 minutes later its
done but I discovered that quotemark was not being written back to
disk! I know how this has happened but am amazed that nobody else
spotted it.
b) New option in 1.19 for viewing unread mail based on .TXT didn't work if
PCELM.RC was not stored in the same place as the mail files. Program
changed to look in the correct place now.
c) Added help screen to Configure Extra Settings in the Config Autoexec.net
program - more for completenes at this stage as it doesn't say anything of
great interest :-)
d) Delete unwanted zips additionally delete vt102.zip now.
e) PCElm now allows an environment variable called PCELM to be used
instead of HOME. DEMON.BAT now uses this. There are other packages that
use HOME and so this stops any conflict.
f) Fixed a bug that caused added menu options to lose parts of their details
g) Stopped allowing spaces and quotes in user names.
h) You can now edit the number of retries from the Configure Dialer screen.
F10 now gives you a menu window to select the phone number to dial and
the corresponding PoP names are displayed in this window and on the
main screen. This will be even more useful as the number of PoPs grow.
i) The upgrade program only worked if you specified the full path name and
filename. Fixed. This program will now look in the net.exe directory
for the zip from which to upgrade and will auto default to the latest
version found in that directory.
j) The /c swift to pass the username to start with (demon flags /cusername)
did not show the unread mail status correctly. Fixed with thanks to
Richard@locomotive.com for isolating the bug.
k) New option when installing for the first time. Quick configure. Answer
8 easy peasy questions on one screen and then the rest of the installation
is done for you. New users will like this but its of no benefit to you
existing users.
l) Maintain Newsgroups was looking in ~\SPOOL\NEWS for ACTIVE and EXPIRE.DAT
but should be looking where the SNEWS env var was set to. Only affected
you if you moved the SNEWS data
m) Added async handler support for the attach line in autoexec.net. Older
versions of DIS.EXE would have destroyed this variable. This release
version of 1.20 allows it to be entered on the Configure AUTOEXEC.NET
screen and has a help screen.
1.19 17th December 1993
a) Scanning the long list of newsgroups caused a Long Prompt. Tell Demon
message in certain circumstances. Fixed.
b) Added matchlength to SNEWS maintenance screen as this has been added to
SNEWS 1.27. Added a help screen for this.
c) New installations get forced into the Net Extra Settings screen to
encourage them to turn off news if they don't want it as well as to set
other options.
d) Create new user from the front menu was broken in DIS 1.18 - one of the
problems with not beta testing that version :-(. Works ok from
Maintain SNEWS or Maintain PCElm though.
e) Stopped allowing period points '.' in user names. If you want to receive
mail for G.Davies then set up a user called grahame and alias g.davies
to it.
f) DIS.EXE was up to 264K RAM - found a rouge library being linked in
and it is now down to 221K.
1.18 8th December 1993
a) I can't spell. Editting now changed to Editing.
b) The feature that allows your editor to be copied to somewhere on your
DOS path did not allow c:\. Fixed. Also if the directory doesn't exist
it will say so and ask you if you want it created. It will also handle
creating several directories at once e.g.
c:\this already exists but you ask for
c:\this\that\the\other - this will be created succesfully.
This feature will be introduced to everywhere that asks you to specify
a directory as I come across them. The installation directory is the
first place to benefit from this change (for new users).
c) New options on Configure General Settings, F5 Extra settings
1) Check for Unread Mail - you can turn this off now so that users of
mailers other than PCElm who cannot benefit from this facility no
longer have to see the message.
2) You can specify which list of mailboxes the F6 Check unread mail
feature works on - All of the .RC files (default option which is
how it works now) or All of the .TXT files which will include the
mailboxes created by SNEWS for which you may not have users set up.
Also: F5 off the Main Menu now shows the names in the order that
they appear in the PCElm MAIL directory as does F6. You can now
select a user using F6 - sorry that the person waiting to see this
feature had to wait so long!
d) DEMON.BAT now has a ONCE option. This means run through the DEMON.BAT
file once only for the process selected and then exit. If you type
the batch file will call news and then exit rather than going into DIS.EXE.
You can use DEMON ONCE net instead of news or mail, expire, etc. This is
useful if you don't want to copy bits of DEMON.BAT to make your own batch
files. If using this to set up an automated process then remember to
use the NOPAUSE option which stops DEMON.BAT from issuing pauses. If
using both the NOPAUSE *and* ONCE options you *must* put NOPAUSE first
on the calling line. e.g.:
DEMON NOPAUSE ONCE net - this will work
DEMON ONCE NOPAUSE net - this will fail with a label not found error
This feature is designed to assist in automated logins so that the
example just given will probably be the most useful. However, a control
process could be written to occasionaly run expire automatically for
you as well and so you would invoke it by using
Using ONCE with no label e.g.:
will cause the program to run DIS.EXE and then end after the next process
from DEMON.BAT is run (out of net, mail, news, expire, unbatch, reindex).
I can't see a use for this though - its just what happens by chance so I
thought I'd document it and warn about it.
e) Defaulted new installations to no viewer in conjunction with PCElm
pager <blank> bug fixed in PCElm 1.08. Health check program now allows
pager field to be blank. Info re this and using builtin+ as the PCElm
editor added to Configure Mail.
f) In 1.15 I said: In Maintain Newsgroups if you used the the TAG option but
untagged all of your selections then a memory leak would occur - now fixed.
But was wrong - I had missed one test :-( Now fixed. For sure. Trust me.
g) Altered DEMON.BAT so that you can pass flags to DIS.EXE. The only useful
reason for doing this for the user so far is the next item: h)
h) Using the flags option above you can force a user in to demon.bat e.g.
demon flags /cryan
forces the user to change to ryan on entry to the program. (/c is a
flag and the data in this example is ryan).
Warning: do not pass other flags to dis.exe unless instructed to do so
by Demon staff or in a document produced by us as the results will be
i) Added some rems to the start of demon.bat to remind you of its
functionality without having to refer to this document or DISPC.TXT
esp. as at the time of writing I haven't updated the latter document :-)
1.17 30th November 1993
a) Fix create signature file losing a character and nodename maintenance
in SNEWS.RC - affected new users only.
b) Maintain newsgroups now changes drive correctly if the data is on a
different drive.
1.16 29th November 1993 - only released as a beta version
a) You can now create and delete users as well as change users from the
Main Menu.
b) Moved menu options: In Configure NET, the first option has been renamed
"Configure AUTOEXEC.NET and DIALER" and Edit AUTOEXEC.NET and Edit Dialer
have been moved to a new option called Advanced Editting which appears at
the base of the menu. In addition Edit KILL and Edit GET files appears
here as well as in the SNEWS menu. This has caused some relettering of
this menu which is regrettable but unavoidable.
The SNEWS menu has been altered: A new option added: "Maintain Date you Last
Got News". This means that most people will no longer *ever* have to
manually edit NNTP.DAT. This option has been moved along with Edit Kill
and Edit Get files and Edit SNEWS.RC to a new submenu called Advanced
Editting. Once again this has caused menu relettering. Configure SNEWS
allows all useful configuration parameters to be editted including an easy
to use colour selection screen. **NOTE** some of the options apply to
to SNEWS 1.25 which may have not yet been released. All others are
available on SNEWS 1.24. Older versions of SNEWS should be upgraded.
A similar exercise has been performed on the PCElm Menu for consistency.
The PCElm Configuration screen has been split into three separate ones and
the length for the optional header fields has been increased. Everything
a user could want to configure is now available so that PCELM.RC should
only need editting by hand in very rare circumstances. The colour
maintenance screen has the same style colour configuration as SNEWS so
that it is easy to use. **NOTE** some of the options apply to PCElm 1.7
which may have not yet been released. All others are available on
PCElm 1.6. Older versions of PCElm should be upgraded.
c) Fixed the creating program which put <drive_letter>: in the sample
ftpusers file.
d) Upgraded installations had problem with use-ed in PCELM.RC/Configure PCELM
defaulting the wrong way.
e) Upgrade program now copies all of the PCELM files back and also copies
f) New menu option G, F Delete Unwanted Files - does all the tidying up for
you - useful for all existing sites but especially useful if you have
just used upgrade.bat
g) Fixed a bug in Configure AUTOEXEC.NET which was swapping around the state
of nntp verbose to on in certain circumstances.
h) Another bug in Maintain Newsgroups fixed: Memory was being corrupted
when you got over approx. 90 newsgroups.
i) Added Mail Forwarding option in General Configuration, Extra Settings.
You can add your mail domain in here e.g. yourco.com if you take the
Mail Forwarding option with us. This will auto configure the SNEWS and
PCElm .RC files for you and make sure that the DIS.EXE Configure SNEWS
and PCElm programs keep these in line.
j) Changed Maintain Newsgroups to update NNTP.DAT and look for the NEWGROUP
file in SPOOL\NEWS rather than the SNEW home directory - these are the
same for *most* users which is why this had not come to light before.
k) The Health Check check smtp delay in autoexec.net and suggests a value of
<= 30. It will fix this for you to 2 seconds.
l) Allowed folder saving type of 3 in PCElm - this is similar to 2 exxpet
that it only saves to the addressee name if a folder with that name
already existed. Otherwise it will save to the SENT folder.
m) If you specify your editor in General Config it will check the DOS path
to see if it exists. If it doesn't exist it will warn you. If it exists
in the NET.EXE directory it will allow you to select a directory to copy
it into from your DOS path. This will fix a lot of problems with new
users who forget to do this using ted.
Additions after beta testing on 20th November
n) On creating a new installation newsdir in SNEWS.RC was not being set.
The program now creates an empty HISTORY.SNW and <username>.txt (for Mail)
to make new installations even "cleaner" than before.
o) Make viewer on new installations default to ted as well.
p) Remove the quotes on the PCElm Your Name section as these are no longer
needed with PCElm 1.07 - You must upgrade PCElm as well as DIS.EXE to
ensure this works (if you use PCElm of course).
q) New installations couldn't install from the root directory - now fixed.
r) demon.bat now has change drive commands if the mail or news programs are
on a different drive to the net.exe or dis.exe program.
1.15 13th October 1993
Added to configure General General Options - F6 Unbatch settings. Moved
the parameters to pass to unbatch to this screen and added a question
Do you want to auto call unbatch?
Also you can now enter a line that will go in between the call to net.exe
and the call to unbatch to do whatever you want.
E.g. standard setup:
net.exe -d C:/NOS
set nodial=
if exist C:\NOS\SPOOL\ARTICLES\BATCH.TXT goto unbatch
goto loop
Could become:
net.exe -d C:/NOS
set nodial=
call yourbat.bat
goto loop
Added some of the new features to PCElm 1.6 to a configuration screen
on PCElm Configuration - Press F6 to Access. Also added Your Editor
to the front screen and converted to lower case and removed the need
to enter %s (see notes below on General Configuration). On updating
PCElm it asks if you wish to update the Configuration files for all
users which save editting each user by hand.
Split upgrade/environment space warning on entry in to two sections so
it is clearer.
Added smtp batch on/off and no. of nntp batch buffers to NET.EXE
configure screen.
Re-read autoexec config && dialer file if Aborting from configure NET.EXE.
Check for unread mail now uses the .RC files in the mail area as opposed
to the news area!
Update configure SNEWS was *still* causing the %S problem :(. Now ok(?)
Changed General Configuration to out the "Your Editor" and "Your Viewer"
fields in lowercase and removed the necessity to have the %s on the viewer
field. In fact PCElm doesn't require it on the editor or viewer and the
DIS internal viewer/editor no longer requires it. This leaves just SNEWS
which *does* require it. In the editor field in General Configuration if
the %s is not entered then it is put in for you. This makes it more friendly
to new users especially.
Added Confirm Exit question to Configure PCElm - only to be used in
conjunction with PCElm 1.6 and later.
Added Confirm Exit question to Configure SNEWS - only to be used in
conjunction with SNEWS 1.23 and later.
Configure snews wouldn't update quotemark if it has been deleted from
the .RC file.
Delete duplicated/unnecessary files after first time installation has run.
i.e. this only affects people installing DISnnn.EXE for the first time. Also
if installing in a separate subdirectory, not all documentation got copied
Added *.FAQ to the default list of files to view in View Documentation.
The Upgrade SNEWS/PCELM program copies HISTORY and PCELMHST.TXT and
SNEWSHST.TXT as the HISTORY files are being renamed in later versions
as we have too many files called HISTORY.
Improved help screens for edit KILL and GET files.
Sort in of new newsgroups caused a memory leak if it failed - now ok.
In Maintain Newsgroups if you used the the TAG option but untagged all of
your selections then a memory leak would occur - now fixed.
Installation program now uses the supplied UNZIP and not pkunzip. Date
in nntp set back to midnight today instead of yesterday so that new users
don't get too much news.
Force nodename to lower case
1.14 11 Aug 1993
Health check scans nntp addserver line incorrectly when there is a time zone
at the end (e.g. nntp addserver news.demon.co.uk 300 18:00-08:00 - fixed.
Check locks uses nntp dir from autoexec.net in case that is on a
different drive.
Added three more entries for users to add to the DIS.EXE menu.
Add some of the popular config items from AUTOEXEC.NET to the Configure
NET.EXE program - Press F6 Extra Settings to control:
Start Your SMTP Server
Receive News
Print Verbose News Msgs
Start Your FTP Server
Start Your TELNET Server
Beep when Mail Arrives
Idle Out Time
Also added the info sent at the protocol: prompt to the Dialer screen so
you can put idle=0 in etc.
Added Edinburgh number to Dialer screen
1.13 9th July 1993
Did not release 1.12 as a change to DEMON.BAT was necessary. This version
released without going through beta.
1.12 6th July 1993
Fixed bug in Maintain Newsgroups when going over 50 (or multiples thereof)
groups causing memory problems.
Changed the way DEMON.BAT gets updated to avoid problems with keyboard
Added the flags passed to unbatch and a help screen for these in Configure
General options, F5 extra settings to save hand editting DEMON.BAT (and
subsequent loss of changes when upgrading).
Added a new menu option on Configure Net: "Run NET.EXE but Don't Dial"
This so that you may go into NET.EXE but it won't dial out. You can then
use tip to make modem settings. This works by changing the dial line
in AUTOEXEC.NET to have $nodial in front e.g.
$nodial dial sl0 dialer
DEMON.BAT is altered so that the environment variable nodial is set to either
a hash '#' to rem this line out or set to nothing to leave it. You can use
this environment variable method for other purposes. You should change
the line in AUTOEXEC.NET by hand or run the Health Check program which
will do it for you.
1.11 10th June 1993
General config - if you alter the temporary directory, editor or viewer
then you can optionally update all the SNEWS/PCELM config files as
Stopped path names in editor/viewer which broke PCELM.
Fixed Merge/sort newsgroups crashing on a large unsorted file
Fixed extra linefeed appearing in the ip address field which caused
corrupt motd messages in the autoexec.net file.
Fixed Configure PCELM so that the %S in the viewer gets converted to
lower case.
1.10 12th May 1993
If using VT102 then change DEMON.BAT to return to nos directory before
1.09 27th April 1993 - released as beta only
Multiple users handling. Go into General Configuration and press F5 for
advanced options and answer Y to the Multiple Users? question at the bottom
of the screen. You can create new users by using Configure SNEWS option
or Configure PCELM option - go into these screens and press F5. You can
change user at this place as well. Alternatively you can press F5 on any of
the Menu screens to change user. This works by keeping a copy of PCELM.RC
and SNEWS.RC as <username>.RC and copying them around for you.
Allowed 57600 baud rate to be entered in Configure NET.EXE.
Altered Move/Copy SNEWS/PCELM program to handle multiple .RC files.
Create a REWRITE file is SPOOL to handle the JANET sites who don't respect
the uk.co.demon partial domain. Added a new menu option to edit this.
Health check incorrectly checks/corrects dialer file for wait's in
certain circumstances.
Add ka9qhelp.zip to the installation kit DISnnn.EXE and get the installation
program to unzip it's contents into spool\help.
Alter smtp wait settings in health check to 40 seconds
1.08 20th April 1993
User defineable menu options. You can add to the list of menu options on
the main menu and the corresponding entries will be made in DEMON.BAT.
Go into Configure General Settings, Configure General Options and
then press F5 for advance settings and you can type the name you wish
to appear on the front screen, the label name to be put in the batch
file and the dos command line call to be made. e.g.
Norton Utilities nutil nu
The DIS.EXE Main Menu will then have item K. Norton Utilities and
DEMON.BAT will have:
if errorlevel 8 goto :nutil
goto loop
This is useful if you want to use DIS.EXE as your front end to other programs.
(and why not....:))
Added NOPAUSE option to DEMON.BAT. If you call demon NOPAUSE (in upper case)
it will not do the pause after the unbatch in the batch file - this is useful
for automating processes. You can still type demon net to go straight to the
NET.EXE program etc.. with the NOPAUSE command you shoud add the destination
label after NOPAUSE: e.g. demon NOPAUSE net or demon NOPAUSE news.
Changing viewer in General Config optionally changes Mail Viewer as well.
Mail viewer is configurable from Configure Mail as well now.
Upgrade program handles PCELM as well as NET and SNEWS.
Read in of phone numbers in configure NET.EXE keeps in same order as
dialer file - you need NET 2.08 or higher. Duplicate remmed msg removed from
dialer file.
Bug in maintain newsgroups if you tagged files then went into create a new
newsgroup again in the same session.
Edit PCELM alias file editting in the wrong directory.
1.07 19th March 1993
Health check checks the DIALER file for sensible waits
1.06 18th March 1993
Uses new setting for TZ which will be important on 28th March 93 and later.
Upgrade option in General Configure, Upgrade NET.EXE or SNEWS to help users
upgrade to later versions of NET or SNEWS.
New option on NEWS menu to sort in new newsgroups. This also take out any
duplicates as well.
Check locks now changes drive where necessary
Configures nos.log to default to ~/SPOOL and is maintainable by General
Configuration which is now split in to two screens ready for some other
features that I have dreamt up!
Health check program - checks existing setup for things that are wrong
and offers to correct them. Good for cutting down on support line calls
but also when upgrading versions of KA9Q/NET.EXE it can tell you what you
need to do - and mostly offers to fix these things for you.
Maintain newsgroups - in create newsgroup name you can type a * followed
by a name and press RETURN to search as opposed to *having* to press F5
which I was always doing :) Can now tag newsgroup names in the search
so that you can make multiple selections and add them to your list in one
go. Press F7 to tag (or to remove a tag) and F8 to show those you have tagged.
All of these features also work on the newgroup file which is auto created
if you have nntp newgroups on in AUTOEXEC.NET - simply Press F6 on the
create newsgrup screen.
Page back bug in built-in editor fixed.
Fix checking for pkunzip/unzip which caused hanging on some versions of
pkunzip. Uses new version of unzip 2.04 - uses the PD version supplied
if yours is the old type.
*********Please read the notes in dis.doc on unzip***********
Handle VT102 - put calls to vt102 in DEMON.BAT & check config.sys etc
Add reindex to the Configure News menu
Add edit KILL file
Add edit GET file
Changed maintain newsgroups to cal spawnl to fix problem with 4Dos users
1.05 1st February 1993
Create ftpusers file on new installations
Message on Main Menu next to the Net entry lets you know if you have
any mail to send. Useful if you forget to upload your news messages like
me and Cliff :) Also message to tell you if you have unread mail. By default
the standard colours are set so that this will flash. If you don't like this
then use maintain colours to alter the Window Highlight colour pair.
New program to allow moving of SNEWS and PCELM programs and data.
Auto recognise XT keyboards. Those of you who had to add /k to dis.exe
should no longer need to do so. Thanks to Owen.
Allowed * at the start of searching in newsgroups and then search back and
forward for that pattern in your complete list of newsgroups.
Removed duplicate filenames in the view program.
Altered DEMON.BAT to use comspec environment variable if available in
preference to command. Thanks to Tony Kidson morgan.demon.co.uk for
pointing this out.
Added date and time to top left hand corner of every screen.
When installing DIS.EXE for the first time on an existing working installation
it asks you if you want to set up the colours. (ie. not just for brand new
Shows expiry info (if you have an EXPIRE.DAT file) in maintain newsgroups
Include ACTIVE.ZIP in installation and unzip it into nos area and make it
default in general config. You now have complete list of newsgroups to
select from in Maintain Newsgroups. Scroll up and down and press RETURN
to select.
Fixed TZ var handling in dis.cfg
1.04 12 January 1993
Brought out new version to ensure nobody carries on with 1.03
Created a sample NET ALIAS file for new installations. Allowed editting of
this from the menu.
Unzipped the VT102.ZIP file in new installations.
TZ environment variable is configurable from within the program now.
Allow amend of newsgroup names
Allow selecting of newsgroup names from the large file specified in gen config.
1.03 8th January 1993
Remembered to alter version number this time :)
DEMON.BAT now allows calling of specific labels first time through so that
the first time you could type
demon net
from the dos prompt and auto log on to the Internet or
demon expire
to auto run expire then go into the program etc.
Allowed to shell out to dos from the main menu - via the batch file again
Forced read of SNEWS.RC on entry to program.
Added help screen to Main Menu
Built-in editor now available so that you don't need an external editor
for main files. Help screen is avaliable on this. The maximum line length
is 132 characters. Tabs are not handled and are kept as a graphics symbol
so they are not destroyed.
Specialised editor for autoexec.net with full help on every command used.
Fixed bug in list_newsgroups parameter corrupting Special Comport info.
Altered configure screens so that you are not asked a question if you
don't make a change and wish to abort. Also if you try to update without
making changes it warns you. On update you have to press F3 then U to
Update rather than having to press Y - so as to make it more distinguishable
from Aborting.
Altered order of items on main menu so that they are now net, mail, news,
configure net, configure news, configure mail, configure general etc as this
is more intuitive.
Added help screens to General Configuration screen
Fixed bug in reallocating memory in adding more than 50 new newsgroups
Force quotemarks on your full name in PCELM.RC
Allowed simple configuration of newsgroups in NNTP.DAT to be automated - if
you have less than about 30 newsgroups it is perfectly ok to list each one
long hand in nntp.dat - this means that Maintain Newsgroups can handle both
halves of the operation (SNEWS and NET). This is allowed by setting the
option in Genral Configuration to S for Simple
Version number set in an environment variable so that people upgrading
are advised to recreate DEMON.BAT and it will trap anybody *not* running
through the batch file.
All areas have Help Screens - some more helpful than others :)
News installations make sure that PKUNZIP or UNZIP are in the path and not
just in the current directory. Handles installing on a different drive.
Fixed bug in Maintain Newsgroups - not adding to ACTIVE file if a
newsgroup was added at the end of the list.
EXPIRE.DAT was being editted in the wrong place and not copied to the
correct place on new installations
Allow editting of the PCELM ALIAS file
Added specific help info when editting DIALER, FINGER, etc.
1.02 23rd December 1992
Added an option to the general configuration to allow a path/filename of
a complete list of newsgroups to be entered. This can currently be viewed
when adding new groups. In a later version you will be able to select from it.
New installations get an NNTP.DAT file created set to midnight yesterday
so that only the most recent demon news messages are downloaded as opposed
to the entire history.
TED.COM is shipped with the self extracting DIS129.EXE as is UNZIP.EXE. The
program will use pkunzip automatically if you have it, else it uses unzip.
Alter DIS.DOC to take account of TED.COM and UNZIP.EXE being shipped.
1.01 22 December 1992
Fixed home variable in SNEWS.RC
Added cls to precede unbatch in demon.bat